Zoe AlexaZoe dob. 07-14-97 Zoe came into this world on July 14, 1997. Although she was 3 weeks early we were all relieved she waited as long as she did to make her appearance since Amy was on bed rest for the last half of the pregnancy. But Zoe arrived a beautiful, healthy baby and has only continued to get better. She's a people charmer and is incredibly verbal, a trait I believe she gets from her father. Zoe lives in Germany now and attends 1st grade. She spends her free time with her many friends and is quickly earning merit badges as a dedicated Brownie.
Current Events 2008 Zoe is now a 5th grader in Mr.Hrynyks class (Canadian teacher). She is now reading warrior series. Her best friends right now are Rachel also reading warriors, Courtney also reading warriors. I am often working on my website. Soccer will begin in spring. I now have new ideas for my career they are: writer, Marine Biologist, and maybe a teacher. Soon I will be going to Florida to see my long time friend Analise. I have been in chat rooms often (not giving out any personal information). Getting all A's on tests (yay me). Current Events 2007 Zoë's a 4th grader this year and attends Highland Elementary School in Harnett County, NC. When she has free time she's playing soccer with her friend, Tiffany, or hanging out with best friend, Suzie. I hear she loves to "rock" with Toby Keith, having outgrown Avril Lavigne. At this young age Zoe plans to become a marine biologist and I can really see this happening. She has always had a tender spot for God's creatures and also a great curiosity about life that all scientists need. Zoe will have to say "good-bye" to her NC friends in June since the family will be returning to Virginia. I can't wait! Current Events 2004 June 9 - According to rumors from Germany Miss Zoe will begin riding lessons in the near future. This is great news since she'll be able to jump right on Nutty and gallop around when the family arrives here on vacation in August. And if all goes according to plan I'll be able to set up some private lessons with Donna for the week Zoe's here after the family reunion at the beach. Way to go, Zoe, ride hard! July 14 - Today was Zoe's 7th birthday and I was very sad that I couldn't be there to celebrate it with her. It really stinks when the grandkids are so far away. I hope Zoe had a great day and I can't wait to see her and the rest of the family in August at our family reunion. July 16 - Bad news from the Germany, Zoe had an accident at her birthday party and broke her elbow. I'm still trying to gather information but right now I believe that she fell from some sort of motorized toy and fractured her arm. This is really unfortunate since the family is due here in Virginia in 3 short weeks for a family reunion at the beach. Casts and sand don't go together very well so I suppose Zoe and I will be spending our time around the pool. I hope Zoe likes to read! August 18 - Good news! As of Monday Zoe joined the select members of the Bergman grandchildren who have had the pleasure of riding NUTTY. Zoe and I spent the morning grooming and feeding this small pony and she rewarded us by giving Zoe a really good ride, to include walking and trotting. I hope Zoe will pursue riding lessons when she returns to Germany so by her next visit she'll be able to ride independently. |