Samantha Rae
Sammy is the middle girl in the family and she definitely has the personality to deal with this position. She's smart, incredibly verbal, and knows just what she wants. I have a feeling dear Sport is going to get a little sample of what it was like to be his parents 30 years ago. Sam loves to watch videos and she really prefers to have adult company share the entertainment with her.
Current Events 2008 Samantha's friends now are Lisa and Avery. She has recently attended both of their birthday partys. She would like to be a Marine Biologist (trying to be like her big sister). She spends her time doing horseback riding and loving on our 2 kittys. She has decided to become a 100% vegetarian like her Grammy. She LOVES skirts, and tries to wear them everyday. Current Events 2007 I can't believe Sam's going to be 6 years old in March, it seems like only yesterday that I was in San Antonio to see her sonogram. Sam is finishing kindergarten at Highland Elementary School in Harnett County, NC and looking forward to 1st grade in Virginia. She dabbled in soccer this year but it didn't turn out to be her activity so now she spends warm days in her little back yard lake pursuing any and all aquatic wildlife. It seems she takes after sister, Zoe, in her love of nature. Dad says Sam is strong willed but in an adult this means persistent and dedicated to one's convictions. Just have patience Sport, in the end it's all worth it. . Current Events 2006
Current Events 2004