Debby and Neil Debby and Neil These two grew up together in the same neighborhood, graduated from the same high school, but only became aware of each other romantically at the ripe old age of 18. They met officially at Ocean City during Beach Week and the rest is history. Although the commitment was there from the start, marriage had to be postponed until after college graduation. Today they live in a great family neighborhood in Lake Ridge and are busy raising 4 little ones, Caitlin, Jake, Kelly and Brett. Neil, the ultimate computer "geek", works for EDS to pay the mortgage and coaches soccer in his spare time. Guess why he coaches soccer!
Current Events 2007 Not much has changed in this household over the past year, no new house, baby, etc. But Debby wants everybody to know that last August the family spent a wonderful week in Arizona where they got a chance to visit Sedona, the grand Canyon, Lake Powell, and Bryce and Zion National Parks.
Current Events 2006 February 13 - In an effort to update Judysplace after 1 year of negligence I'm only going to touch on the highlights of the family's life in 2005. Vacations were a prominent feature and I think we can say this family became world travelers last year. In April they boarded a plane bound for Frankfort and spent 10 days with Sport et al touring Germany and Switzerland. Then in August the entire Lake Ridge neighborhood traveled to Wyoming to see one of nature's true marvels, the geysers at Yellowstone. And this fortunate family plans a repeat performance this year, only Sedona will be substituted for Yellowstone. Current Events 2004 March 27 - According to informed sources the Henry clan is planning a vacation to Disney World in Orlando over Spring break. It sounds to me like just about everybody who is anybody in the Lake Ridge neighborhood will be going. Five families will make the trek from Virginia to enjoy the Florida sunshine and the wonderful diversions at the Disney World theme park. If the attractions are half as good as they were the last time I visited Orlando (and they're reported to be much better) then this group of travelers should have a wonderful time. I wonder if Mickey Mouse is up to a visit by such rowdy tourists, as all Bergmans are known to be!